EquityLegal is an Initiative of programs committed to breaking barriers and fostering diversity in the legal profession. By providing education, financial support, and access to legal resources, Equity Legal creates a balance for underserved communities.
The FutureForward Scholarship program is designed to empower minority students pursuing legal education. Scholarships are available for high school students applying to a four year college full time, undergraduate students, and future/current law school students.
The Forward Progress Community Grant is a subsidy that aims to reduce the financial impact associated with legal needs, enabling individuals and families to move forward with their lives. Funds are distributed directly to the law firm of the recipients choice and applies to specific practice areas of law.
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for minority students, ensuring they have the resources to excel in the field of law. The program not only eases the financial burden of legal education but also offers valuable internship experiences, allowing students to gain real-world knowledge and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
We understand that socio-economic disparities can hinder access to quality legal aid and representation, affecting individuals' livelihoods and career opportunities. To bridge this gap, with the generous support of our sponsors and donors, we offer community grants ranging from $2,500 to $5,000. These grants provide crucial financial support to individuals and organizations working to ensure that every member of our community has access to justice.
EquityLegal is inteded to bring balence to a world where access to opportunity is bestowed upon the few. The vision is to facilitate a pathway for generational change, where diverse voices are heard, and where justice is accessible to all. We believe that by investing in the education of future legal professionals and by providing resources to underserved communities, we can create a more equitable and prosperous future for everyone.
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